Anti Doping in WDC & WDC AL

WORLD DANCE COUNCIL & WDC AMATEUR LEAGUE JOIN WADA ANTI DOPING The President and Presidium of the World Dance Council are pleased to announce that, after many months of discussion and contact between both organisations, they have now completed negotiations with the World Anti Doping Agency. They have agreed a programme suitable for those involved in competitive dance based on the WADA Anti Doping Rules and these rules will be integrated into the constitution of the Council and the competition rules of the WDC Amateur League. The WDC has long and indisputably supported the principle and ethics of the Agency. Doping in any form has not been not acceptable in competitive activities for the WDC and WDC AL and especially not when ballroom dancing as a competitive discipline was concerned. The position, the values, the ethics, of the WDC have been reiterated many times over and to all bodies involved in dance. The World Dance Council are pleased to announce that they have now comp...